Treatment outcome and compliance to dose-intensifed linac-based SBRT for unfavorable prostate tumors using a novel real-time organ-motion tracking
Read articleRafaella Lucchini1,2, Denis Panizza1,3, Riccardo Ray Colciago1,2* , Veronica Vernier1, Martina Camilla Daniotti4,Valeria Faccenda3,5 and Stefano Arcangeli1,2
1 Medical Physics Department, ASST Monza, Monza, Italy, 2 School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 3 Department of Physics, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 4 Radiation Oncology Department, ASST Monza, Monza, Italy
Ultra-hypofractionated versus conventionally fractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer (HYPO-RT-PC): patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial
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Conventional versus hypofractionated high-dose intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: 5-year outcomes of the randomised, non-inferiority, phase 3 CHHiP trial
Read articleDavid Dearnaley et al.