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Latest Videos
Edinburgh Interview Series: PACE-B and PRECISION Study
Part 1 of an interview series with Prof. Duncan McLaren from the Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Scotland.
In this segment, Prof. McLaren shares his insights on the PACE-B trial and discusses the upcoming three-fraction study, PRECISION. He also highlights clinical evidence supporting increased accuracy in prostate SBRT treatment and its impact on improving patients’ quality of life.
Raypilot: Improving quality of life for prostate cancer patients in Greece
At Athens Medical Center, Dr. Kritselis and his team shares how they are improving quality of life for prostate cancer patients, and how they implemented the Raypilot System in their daily treatments at their clinic.
Joanne Mitchell – A radiation therapist’s perspective
Fall 2024, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Scotland
In this segment, Joanne Mitchell shares her experience so far from Edinburgh Cancer Centre’s research and clinical work with Prostate SBRT treatment and how it has impacted patients’ quality of life.
How the Raypilot System is Improving Prostate Cancer Treatment
The Raypilot System was implemented at the clinic in La Chaux-de-Fonds hospital “Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois”, in Switzerland in early 2022. Listen to Dr. Berardino de Bari and Dr. Patrick Weber share their clinical experiences and how they are improving prostate cancer treatment for the patients at their clinic in Switzerland.
Monza: Patient Story
Meet 79-year-old Mr Cattaneo Giorgio. He was treated for prostate cancer in four sessions performed in four consecutive days. The use of Raypilot allows faster as well as more effective and safe treatments. See the video to hear the full story.
Treatment changes and Patient perspective La Paz
Part 1 – Interview with Dr. Glaría about implementing Precision SBRT at La Paz University Hospital, Madrid
Implementing the RP System – Cost effectiveness and QoL
Part 2 – Interview with Dr. Glaría at La Paz University Hospital about cost effectiveness and patient quality of life.
Webinar Dec 2024
Full video recording of the webinar “Optimizing SBRT: Ways to Reduce Side Effects in Prostate Cancer Treatment” held on dec 3rd, 2024.
Prof. Stefano Arcangeli – Webinar Dec 2023
The digital user meeting – “Implementing Precision SBRT for Prostate Cancer” arranged by Micropos Medical for the Raypilot Community.
Prof. Duncan McLaren – Webinar Dec 2023
The digital user meeting – “Implementing Precision SBRT for Prostate Cancer” arranged by Micropos Medical for the Raypilot Community.
BIR London 2023 – Interview with Dr Valeria Faccenda
Here you can listen to an interview with Dr. Valeria Faccenda taken at the BIR Congress in London, March 2023.
Madrid 2023 – Interview with Dr.Glaría and Dr. Olivera Vegas
Video from III Jornadas CaP Seminar Meeting in Madrid, Spain 16th of June 2023, which focused on sharing and discussing advancements in radiation therapy for prostate cancer.
Conventional Treatment vs Raypilot Treatment
Undetected prostate motion is always a risk in radiation treatment of prostate cancer. The Raypilot system shows, in real-time, the true deviation of the prostate during the treatment session. See the video clarifying the difference between a conventional treatment workflow and a treatment using Raypilot System.
Dr. Kritselis – Athens Medical Center
Some words from Dr.Kritselis working with prostate cancer SBRT and the Raypilot System at Athens Medical Center.
Insertion of the Raypilot Hypocath
See how the Raypilot Hypocath is inserted.
Clinical Experience Webinar Prof. Duncan McLaren
Listen to Prof. Duncan McLaren, Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western General Hospital, Scotland.
Clinical Experience Webinar Prof. S.Arcangeli and Dr. D.Panizza
Listen to Prof. Stefano Arcangeli, AIRO Uro-oncologic Group Coordinator and Head of Radiation Oncology at S. Gerardo Hospital in Monza and Dr. Denis Panizza Medical Physicist at S.Gerardo Hospital in Monza.
Q&A with prof.S.Arcangeli and dr.d.panizza
In this video Stefano Arcangeli and Denis Panizza share talk about the clinical workflow and share experiences from implementing the Raypilot system at San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, Italy.
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